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Social Service in the Episcopal School goes far beyond the 80 hours required by the Ministry of Education for a student to graduate. Social Service has always been an integral part of a CEP student´s formation. Social Service is seen as an attitude rather than simply the act of giving money.

From Kindergarten on, children are made aware of the needs of others, and are encouraged to help nationally recognized charitable organizations in whatever simple way they can.

In Primary School, groups are put to work to collect foodstuffs, articles of clothing or school materials, and arrange visits so that they can see first-hand the needs of others. Each year, for Mothers Day, Primary School children put together and donate 8 or 9 baby layettes to needy mothers in local health centers. On the School´s Anniversary, Seniors always prepare a layette which they personally present to the first mother of the day in the maternity wing of the Santo Tomás hospital.

In Junior high each group adopts a remote Episcopalian community in the Interior and prepares a Christmas visit. Each child is presented with a specially chosen gift and a day of sharing (sports and other activities) is enjoyed by all.

In High School the Religion Department has a carefully constructed program of Social Service which is generally carried out in needy communities in the Interior. On these visits, many of our students learn to paint and plant and cook for the first time! Beyond this, 10th graders have traditionally worked hard and made a big contribution to the Telethon, whilst Seniors have carried out work at the Mateo Hernández Hospital. Both 11th and 12th graders have worked with the Pide Un Deseo Foundation.

Whenever local tragedies occur, CEP students are ready to respond generously with help.