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In the Secondary School (Grades 7 through 12) preparation continues to be bilingual. In addition, an intensive French language course is included at all levels. All students graduate from the Episcopal School with at least three languages. The school offers a common course of study until the end of tenth grade. At that point students […]


The High School Program of Studies has several objectives:- 1. To expose all students, from 10th grade on, to a wider range of subjects, including an introduction to the pure sciences. 2. To offer courses, in 11th and 12th grades, designed to enable each student to flourish and be successful in areas where he has […]

general information

The Episcopal School of Panama is a small bilingual college prep. school which was founded in 1960. Spanish and English are taught as first languages throughout the school, and an intensive French Language and Literature course is given in grades 7 through 12. Japanese is offered to Humanities students in grades 11 and 12. The […]

Las malas costumbres de los niños

¿Cómo y por qué algunos niños adquieren malos hábitos? Muchos padres no saben qué hacer para que sus hijos abandonen alguna mala costumbre como morderse las uñas, chuparse los dedos, enrollarse los pelos en el dedo, hurgarse la nariz, decir palabrotas, comerse las uñas, etc. Y muchos de ellos tienen razón en preocuparse ya que […]